January 2021
Dear Mr. President and Madam Vice President,
Congratulations on winning the 2020 election and taking the high road during this tumultuous and chaotic transition. During this saddest period in my living years, I hope and urge that the Arts will come to the forefront, make a difference, and flourish throughout your term commencing with your well-deserved entrance on January 20th. Your arrival provides a promise for the best and brightest minds in your new administration to bring about change. The Arts provide a vital role in bolstering the economy and elevating the soul to discern that we are all equal. Daisaku Ikeda, the Buddhist philosopher, said it succinctly, “The power of art can break the shackles that bind and divide human beings.” Bringing the country together is your priority. To do that with unabashed enthusiasm, curiosity, joy, and fun - Why not have the arts as a primary instrument, and establish a Department and Secretary of Arts and Culture as part of the equation? The government must take an optimistic stand to unify, heal, and transform the lies and hate into a new paradigm that truth and empathy matter. The Arts are the most convincing means of bringing ingenuity, honesty, understanding, and power to the people with mass appeal and massive revenue.
I am inspired to take this opportunity to be an Arts advocate and activist for Be An #ArtsHero via The Dramatists Guild of America, of which I am a proud member. The Guild provides the essentials for playwrights to pursue the art of writing truth to power to transcend audiences with a higher understanding of the human condition. Democracy has never been tested like now for the truth to be told on the stage. We take on the challenges of rebuilding the arts in society commencing in the villages, cities, states, and the country nationwide.
Some examples of the economic impact of Arts & Culture by the Bureau of Economic Analysis are:
- 877 billion in value added to the U.S. Economy
- 5.1 million jobs across the U.S. are Arts & Culture jobs
- 4.5% of U.S. GDP (more than Agriculture and Mining combined, and bigger than Transportation or Tourism
- $1.83B: Broadway ticket sales in 2019 (more than top 10 NY/NJ sports teams combined
The Covid crisis is a comparable shock to the economy as the Great Depression. The New Deal’s power, the Works Progress Administration, the WPA Federal Theatre Project (1935-1939) saved New York theatre and the arts, which fostered Orson Wells of The Mercury Theatre. The FTP also provided support for theatrical tours and brought theatre and arts education to communities. The Works Progress Administration’s monumental effort was the stepping-stone for the Golden Age of theatre, art, music, dance of the 20th century. The Arts need a grand undertaking to build the arts back better not only but with more excellence and sustaining marketability.
According to the Brookings Institution report regarding Lost Art: Measuring Covid-19’s devasting impact on America’s creative economy, “this strategy must be supported across the board and led by local public-private partnerships between municipal governments, arts and cultural organizations, economic development and community groups, philanthropy, and private sector, with support from federal and state levels of government, national philanthropy, and large corporations.”
Our stages are dark. The performing arts are hit the hardest, suffering losses of “1.4 million jobs and 42.5 billion in sales. These estimated losses represent 50% of all jobs in those industries and more than a quarter of all sales nationwide.” - Brookings Institution
While we reimagine arts and education on Zoom, creative thinkers are at work bringing music, dance theatre, opera to the homes during the winter months. The impact of arts and youth development through education in the communities is 40% are more likely to have friends from different racial groups. Four out of five are more likely to vote, a five percent drop in neighborhood crime, nine out of ten say that arts increase connection.
There is so much more to advocate for a solid Arts & Culture plan to heal the nation’s soul in the new administration. The Arts & Culture jobs agenda coinciding with affordable healthcare and rebuilding the infrastructure is a think-tank proposal. Keeping the faith and looking forward to the Biden-Harris creative approach to govern, heal, and unify our great diverse nation through the arts.
Thank you for your attention!
Elizabeth West Versalie
Playwright, Dramatists Guild, Member
Tags: @BeAnArtsHero @DramatistsGuild @JoeBiden @KamalaHarris @WhiteHouse #ArtsWorkersUnite #First100Days