Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Trumpty Dumpty

Starting with the construction of Trump Tower, a centerpiece of opulence and grandeur that was constructed on the former site of the distinguished Bonwit Teller Department Store building on Fifth Avenue.  Trump demolished the building in 1980.  He promised to donate to the Metropolitan Museum of Art the precious Art Deco exterior limestone bas-relief sculptures of a semi-nude goddess, along with the huge ornate 15’ by 25’ grille above the store entrance; but he destroyed the sculptures instead due to the expense and a possible ten-day construction delay. He apparently transported the grille to a warehouse in New Jersey, which was never recovered.  Trump reneged the valuable gift to the MET.  His architect hoped to use the goddess sculptures in the Trump Tower lobby design, but Trump preferred a “more contemporary” look and a loud appeal.

The scariest announcement that Trump made in Texas of opening up the libel laws so that when newspapers, i.e. the New York Times and the Washington Post, write a “hit piece, we can sue them and make money.”  He stands to prohibit freedom of speech and weaken the first amendment of the Constitution.  His agenda adds up to: build a 1000-mile wall and have Mexican government pay for it, deport 11 million illegal immigrants, create a Muslim database, forbid the free press, repeal Obamacare.  The Trump plan if elected President suggests early signs of running a controlled state to serve the people as a CEO despot.   

America is still great and will overcome its demons of greed and stupidity.  The best case scenario is that Donald Trump will lose the public’s interest bit by bit and go down as a loser.

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