Saturday, November 12, 2016

Politics as Emotional - The Mixed Bag

The mixed emotional bag of the bottom falling out is an unpleasant experience.  I was born during the last quarter of Eisenhower Presidency right before J.F.K. was inaugurated in January.  I remember the day J.F.K. died.  I was four years old watching television in the living room.  I knew something bad happened, but I was too young to understand the impact.  

It’s been four days and I still feel the heartbreaking, gut-wrenching emotional impact from Hillary Clinton’s defeat.  Hillary who eloquently spoke during her concession speech with grace and dignity showed the world what we would be missing, which is a leader with a bright vision.    Donald Trump's victory started the decline of civilization having democratic values.  That is what happens when an autocrat weakens democracy.  The fear is that the worst is yet to come. 

Two campaigns fought. One fight was based on the measure of extreme right-wing fascism; another fight was based on the initiative of very left-wing democracy. 

Both campaigns called forth feelings for voters to prescribe to emotionally. The emotional attachments concerning these beliefs are as follows:

Emotional attachments regarding the campaign of Donald Trump:
White Supremacy
Hate Hillary

Emotionally attachments regarding the campaign of Hillary Clinton:
Equality for all
Free Will
Gun sense laws
The path of resistance is a painful fight for the Democrats to make their voices heard. The shouts that Donald Trump is Not My President is resounding all over the world.  How did we let this travesty happen?

Trump’s mantra is: Money is power.  Knowledge is lying. Education is elite.  To take the high road was not the path to victory for Hillary Clinton.  Donald Trump had to be hit hard with low blows and a knockout punch.


-       The apostle Paul, in his first letter to his young disciple, Timothy, had this to say: “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.”

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