Monday, December 5, 2016

TO: The Electors Representing the Red States of the Electoral College
RE: Save Democracy - Un-Elect Trump, Vote Hillary Clinton on December 19

I voted for Hillary Clinton because of her commitment to service to our Country as First Lady of the United States, Senator of New York, and Secretary of State.   Her lifetime commitment to further education and the well-being of all children proves that she stands for a bighearted America that’s inclusive of people who want love and kindness amid our diverse society for the betterment of all here and abroad.

Please consider that Donald Trump stands for a divided, white supremacist America.  Trump’s racism, bigotry, misogyny does not represent me, and the majority of Americans.   Hillary Clinton won the popular vote. 

Furthermore, voter suppression of people of color and Russian interference regarding the DNC email leaks has caused the Electoral College results to favor Donald Trump.  Hillary Clinton again won the popular vote by 2M and counting.

Please keep an open mind that Donald Trump is a shady businessman, who never served the government, has not revealed his taxes, settled the case for $25M for massive fraud regarding Trump University, and voiced a strong affinity for Putin’s Russia.  Trump and his clan are brash marketers setting out to destroy our democratic values and planet to enrich themselves.  Our future is at stake.

I respectfully request that you declare yourself a faithless elector, cast your vote for Hillary Clinton for the future of democracy, world peace, and morality.

Please vote to stop the hate.

Thank you for listening to my request.  I appreciate your consideration. 


Elizabeth West Versalie

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Politics as Emotional - The Mixed Bag

The mixed emotional bag of the bottom falling out is an unpleasant experience.  I was born during the last quarter of Eisenhower Presidency right before J.F.K. was inaugurated in January.  I remember the day J.F.K. died.  I was four years old watching television in the living room.  I knew something bad happened, but I was too young to understand the impact.  

It’s been four days and I still feel the heartbreaking, gut-wrenching emotional impact from Hillary Clinton’s defeat.  Hillary who eloquently spoke during her concession speech with grace and dignity showed the world what we would be missing, which is a leader with a bright vision.    Donald Trump's victory started the decline of civilization having democratic values.  That is what happens when an autocrat weakens democracy.  The fear is that the worst is yet to come. 

Two campaigns fought. One fight was based on the measure of extreme right-wing fascism; another fight was based on the initiative of very left-wing democracy. 

Both campaigns called forth feelings for voters to prescribe to emotionally. The emotional attachments concerning these beliefs are as follows:

Emotional attachments regarding the campaign of Donald Trump:
White Supremacy
Hate Hillary

Emotionally attachments regarding the campaign of Hillary Clinton:
Equality for all
Free Will
Gun sense laws
The path of resistance is a painful fight for the Democrats to make their voices heard. The shouts that Donald Trump is Not My President is resounding all over the world.  How did we let this travesty happen?

Trump’s mantra is: Money is power.  Knowledge is lying. Education is elite.  To take the high road was not the path to victory for Hillary Clinton.  Donald Trump had to be hit hard with low blows and a knockout punch.


-       The apostle Paul, in his first letter to his young disciple, Timothy, had this to say: “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.”

Friday, July 8, 2016

The Purge

We are living in history.  The Progressives are back.  Seeds are being planted in the Democratic Party for sweeping reforms that address income inequality, global warming, and eradicating student debt.  The people’s voices are being heard.  The Country is moving left after the scale tipped the way to the right. The yin yang effect is transparent in politics. After two hundred and forty years of male domination, patriarchy leadership, the strength of Yin is surprisingly winning for a woman to lead powerfully.  It is strange how it’s all playing out: Hillary Rodham Clinton vs. Donald Trump.  Human greed, stupidity, bigotry, xenophobia are Trump’s motivational hubris that thrive at the expense of decent, regular individuals who want fairness.  So what we will have with a female leader of the free world is the force of Mother Nature, a purge of the hate that has been exposed and played out in the world arena by Donald Trump.  The rage of hatred bubbling to the surface from White Supremacists and Jihadists will make a last stand and come to a halt before being purged from the U.S and the Earth.  The taming of the beastly human traits, a calling to unify will permeate all people.  The highest virtues of understanding, love, mercy and kindness will prevail once and for all.

Hillary Clinton, before the Democratic convention in July, should consider having a heart to heart talk with the America people.  An apology for lying to the public regarding the mishandling of her emails would be appropriate.  She once again might be obliged to come clean about it.  These hearing and investigations from the GOP occur like a norm when Clinton’s run for office.  It seems like she is benefitting from the hearing because the Republicans cannot pin or adjust the FBI Director, James Comey, findings to criminal intent on her part.  She needs to ensure the American people that if elected to the Oval office, she will operate with absolute integrity.

We need to not only keep Donald Trump from the White House but also destroy his self-centered, self-interest, bigotry, and fascist agenda.  Trump, a narcissist, a vulgar pig is inflaming the minds of Americans with racism and hatred.  His incoherent, bullying speeches unconsciously perhaps manipulated rogue law enforcement into a violent rage where rational reactions amongst citizens and the police are squelched for murder and the taking of innocence lives.   

The American people do not either feel safe or trust the government.  A head-to- head battle with the NRA and the gun lobby to change the gun laws for stricter background checks and to ban the sale of assault weapons is necessary to cease the violence in the streets.

The rise of Donald Trump has brought these hateful racist sentiments to the surface only to be purged for a higher ideal of decency respect, tolerance, restraint, and justice.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Farewell Ode to Pete’s Tavern

The Bloody Escapist is slipping away the tragedy
Of tomorrow in the moment of today.

Beers pour from the tap,
The murmurs give warning,
The escapist sings praises, 
And Bloody slips downstairs.

A sap enters the bar confronts
Bloody who drifts far?
The sap, a fake, a martyr of headaches
Shakes Bloody’s hand,
And takes command.

So Bloody drinks like a fish
The Escapist wanders amiss to the ocean.
Blinded by the enemy and caught in a torrent of rain,
Bloody steers the ship of vain,
The Escapist blames the game.
Deals Bloody the joker of shame.

Tangled in a web of doubts,
Bloody shoots off his big mouth,
A fight ensues, the Escapists rules.

Reminiscent and observant,
Bloody plants a seed of vengeance,
And cups it with benevolence,
But it’s too late--

There’s a knock,
Bloody leaves the door ajar
The Escapist is cool
Bloody is no fool
And lets it roll off his shoulders.

The battle is fought, and Bloody gets caught.
The Escapist disappears
 Bloody in tears heads to the rear.

Tears strum along the strings of time,
Where thoughts nest
Debating to hatch to a new day.

The Barber Shop Quartet enters the Tavern
To sing a song,
Bloody sits in a booth looking to belong.

Elizabeth West Versalie
Pete’s Tavern, New York, NY
Revised Village Tavern, Boynton Beach, FL
May 22, 2016

Saturday, April 30, 2016


The incomparable beauty of European architecture witnessed before one’s eyes gives a remarkable sense of preexisting in another period of history.  The Gothic buildings that are ancient to the soul incite a time where one’s imagination can roam in the Renaissance. There are cities where the sense of wonder gives a distinct feeling that one had strolled down that street in a previous time.  Whether it be the magnificence of the Vatican, the Louvre, Notre Dame, the colors and stunning beauty of Old Town Square in Prague, Neuschwanstein castle in Bavaria all built centuries ago.   The divine inspired creative people.  Their art was preserved in these buildings. The artistic achievement transcended time. The rich visualization and history by the artists and architects caring and taking pride in their work always remain etched in one’s memory after a European tour.  

Manhattan, once a jewel of an island that Indians and settlers had to walk through a hilly green forest in Spring, and the foliage of the Fall had transformed to an industrial mecca for business people.  The architecture of Manhattan buildings had facets of European character with Roman columns and art deco like the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the New York Public Library.  The Empire State Building, for example, is New York’s dominant skyscraper, a practical, efficient and a powerful structure for large firms. 

The turn of the 20th century was a time for retail in Manhattan.  In 1907, Paul Bonwit and Edmund D, Teller established Bonwit Teller Department Store in midtown.  Affectionately called Bonwit’s, the store was known for its stylish higher quality women’s apparel from Europe and domestic origins.  The boom of retail trade in New York City moved uptown and in 1930 Bonwit’s relocated to Fifth Avenue and 56th Street, which became the company's flagship store for 50 years.

Bonwit Teller, Fifth Avenue, New York City, circa 1940

In 1939, the fancy department store commissioned a series of shocking window displays by the quirky surrealist, Salvador Dali, known for his outlandish flair through his stirring expressive eyes and his signature mustache.  Dali based his unusual designs on the Narcissus complex, and he created display windows awakening and arousing the concept of “Day” and “Night.”

Salvador Dali, Bonwit Teller, Fifth Avenue, New York City, 1939

The display windows offered a profound interpretation of life that was worthy of a museum exhibition. "A showing of the beast of vanity, an act of vengeance that goes beyond the logical comprehension of the shallow, materialistic, phoniness of shoppers was daring.   The Day window featured a tub lined with black Persian lamb and filled with water, Narcissi floating on the surface, three wax hands reached out from under the water holding mirrors, and a mannequin just wearing green feathers stepping into the tub.   The Night featured a bed standing on four buffalo legs, with a canopy made of a buffalo’s head clenching a bloody pigeon in its jaw. Another wax model lounged over a bed of hot coals. Dali described the work as the decapitated head and the savage hoofs of a great somnambulist buffalo extenuated by a thousand years of sleep.”

The windows from a marketing standpoint did not appeal to the clientele.  The store tried to censor the display by putting regular mannequins in suits.  Dali in a rage went into the store window, tried to pull the bathtub off the floor, but he took a spill.  The artist and the bathtub went crashing through the front window.

Jasper Johns and Robert Rauschenberg as aspiring artists had day jobs as dressers of the Bonwit Teller windows in the 1950’s.  Under the pseudonym “Matson Jones,” their collaborative work included cyanotype photography.  A print called the “Blue Ceiling” served as a backdrop in the Bonwit Teller window in 1955.  Johns exhibited his first flag painting “White Flag” and Rauschenberg’s Untitled (Red Combine Painting) were also shown in the store windows in 1957. The widely seen works at Bonwit’s helped launch the careers of Johns and Rauschenberg in the galleries.   Robert Rauschenberg also helped commercial artist James Rosenquist acquire a sideline designing the window displays at Bonwit’s.   The day job of painting billboards and designing store windows helped further his career as a Pop Artist.

 Andy Warhol also worked as a commercial artist for many years. He was hired by Bonwit Teller 1951 to give an added touch to his appealing commercial art for the store windows. 

Andy Warhol, Bonwit Teller, Fifth Avenue, New York City, 1955

Warhol’s work in an avant-garde pop art was not taken critically in New York during the 50’s.  His breakthrough came in 1961. Warhol hung five paintings based on comic book and newspaper advertisements in the store window behind stylishly dressed mannequins.  He played openly with the idea of art as advertising, which became a cornerstone of his work.

Andy Warhol, Bonwit Teller, Fifth Avenue, New York City, 1961

The many artists and photographers at Bonwit’s not only had imagination, but the store had a rich artistic history with the finest talent contributing to a cultural New York Renaissance from the 1930’s through the 1970’s.  

Bonwit Teller, Fifth Avenue, New York City, 1973

Due to a steady decline from several changes in ownership, the flagship store was sold to Donald J. Trump in 1979, who demolished the building in 1980 to construct Trump Tower.  He reneged on a deal to the Metropolitan Museum of Art to preserve the exterior Art Deco limestone bas-relief sculptures of a semi-nude goddess, and the majestic storefront ornate grill.  Trump Tower, a self-worship, grandiose, contemporary building to glorify materialism and the beast of excess took its place. Trump had little regard for the cultural history that Bonwit Teller provided for New Yorkers and tourists. 

Art Deco limestone bas-relief Goddess sculpture, Bonwit Teller, Fifth Avenue,
New York City, 1929-1980

Bonwit Teller, Fifth Avenue, New York City

 The pretty bouquet of violets shopping bag designed by J. Hyde Crawford.

The cutting edge art and the fashion history of Bonwit Teller department store on Fifth Avenue left a stunning imprint etched in the mind that gave that feeling of walking down a New York City block from a different era.  Character, sophistication and intellectualism were once vogue in New York of remembering Bonwit’s.

Morris Huberland, Bonwit Teller, Fifth Avenue, New York City, 1950

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Trumpty Dumpty

Starting with the construction of Trump Tower, a centerpiece of opulence and grandeur that was constructed on the former site of the distinguished Bonwit Teller Department Store building on Fifth Avenue.  Trump demolished the building in 1980.  He promised to donate to the Metropolitan Museum of Art the precious Art Deco exterior limestone bas-relief sculptures of a semi-nude goddess, along with the huge ornate 15’ by 25’ grille above the store entrance; but he destroyed the sculptures instead due to the expense and a possible ten-day construction delay. He apparently transported the grille to a warehouse in New Jersey, which was never recovered.  Trump reneged the valuable gift to the MET.  His architect hoped to use the goddess sculptures in the Trump Tower lobby design, but Trump preferred a “more contemporary” look and a loud appeal.

The scariest announcement that Trump made in Texas of opening up the libel laws so that when newspapers, i.e. the New York Times and the Washington Post, write a “hit piece, we can sue them and make money.”  He stands to prohibit freedom of speech and weaken the first amendment of the Constitution.  His agenda adds up to: build a 1000-mile wall and have Mexican government pay for it, deport 11 million illegal immigrants, create a Muslim database, forbid the free press, repeal Obamacare.  The Trump plan if elected President suggests early signs of running a controlled state to serve the people as a CEO despot.   

America is still great and will overcome its demons of greed and stupidity.  The best case scenario is that Donald Trump will lose the public’s interest bit by bit and go down as a loser.